News in 2011

Customer Service FAQs: Adding & Removing Users

on Tuesday, March 15, 2011 by Erin Miller

As Auto Data Direct, Inc.’s Customer Service Representatives (CSRs), we are dedicated to providing the most time-efficient and friendly support to our customers; therefore, it saddens us when we are helpless to assist callers who are not authorized users on their company’s account, simply because the proper paperwork has yet to be completed. ADD’s CSR team does not want to turn away a dealer in need of assistance with printing a temp tag, or a tow company in need of mailing certified letters anymore! Included in this edition of Customer Service FAQs we answer common questions about how to add and remove users in the ADD system, Driver’s Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) exemption clarifications, as well as step-by-step instructions to help each user receive the best assistance possible when calling ADD’s CSR.

ADD’s services provide access to privileged vehicle and owner information for companies that have a “permissible use” under the guidelines of Auto Data Direct’s Terms of Use (Terms of Use) and the regulations of the Driver Privacy Protection Act (DPPA). According to ADD’s Terms of Use and DPPA regulations, only authorized users on a company’s account may have access to ADD services in order to conduct its business on a daily basis; therefore, in order to protect your company’s access to ADD services, Customer Service must enforce ADD’s Terms of Use and DPPA regulations on all non- authorized users calling on behalf of a company’s account. We take no pleasure in enforcing ADD’s Terms of Use and DPPA regulations; however, our enforcement of these rules and regulations protects your company from possible criminal sanctions and civil liability as defined by the DPPA. Each authorized user benefits with hassle free and time-efficient assistance from ADD’s CSR, whereas non-authorized users are denied assistance simply because a form has not been completed! Below are common questions we hear in customer service about the process of adding and removing users from a company’s account, along with detailed answers that will make compliance as convenient as possible.

Q: Is there a fee to add a user to my company’s account?

A: No, ADD does not charge a fee for adding users to an account. The process to add a user to your company’s account must be performed by the Contact Person on the account and takes less than two minutes to complete! Each company may add as many users as needed by completing the New User Registration form and sending it to ADD via mail, email, or fax. Read [step- by-step instructions ]( FOR ADDING A USER.pdf) for adding a user to your ADD account.

Q: Is there a fee to remove a user from my company’s account?

A: No, ADD does not charge a fee for removing users from an account. The process to remove a user from a company’s account must be performed by the Contact Person on the account, requires no paperwork, and deactivates the user instantly! In order to prevent non-permissible access, ADD highly recommends removing all users that no longer require the right to use ADD services. Read [step-by-step instructions ]( FOR REMOVING A USER.pdf) for removing a user from your ADD account.

Q: Why do I have to provide my driver license number to be added as a user?

A: ADD asks its users to provide their driver license number for account validation and verification purposes only. When an individual calls ADD for personal assistance, customer service representatives are required to verify the identity of the caller in order to determine if he or she is an authorized user on the account.

Q:Which DPPA exemptions apply to me?

A: The Driver Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) allows qualified companies that need access to motor vehicle records on a daily basis for business purposes. The DPPA exemption boxes are numbered accordingly with DPPA’s Sec. 2721 and establishes a user’s “permissible use” to access ADD services. Because different industries have different needs and access levels for privileged information, the exemption(s) chosen helps ADD to determine the access level needed for each user, as well as indicates the user’s legal right to obtain access to ADD services. In order to understand which DPPA exemption applies best to you, simply click on the link below to view clarifications for each DPPA exemption.

[DPPA exemption clarifications]( exemption clarifications_0.pdf)

Q: Why am I not allowed to share my username and password?

A: Sharing usernames and passwords with non-authorized users is a violation of both ADD’s Terms of Use and DPPA regulations. ADD’s Terms of Use affirms that all personal and vehicle information obtained is “not to be released by the User to any individual or legal entity who would not otherwise have access to such information.” Even though a person may qualify to access ADD services, because he or she has not submitted a New User Registration form to ADD, the individual is not legally qualified to obtain access to ADD services.

Q:What are the consequences if I do share my username and password?

A: Any User that fails to comply with the provisions of ADD’s Terms of Use or DPPA regulations may be subject to, “loss of information access privileges and may result in civil or criminal liability” as defined by the DPPA. If an individual is found to be non-compliant with ADD’s Terms of Use or DPPA regulations, ADD has the legal obligation to immediately reset the User’s password and to deactivate the company’s account within 24 hours if compliance requirements are not met.